This app is decent and will get the job done, but its calculations are not precise and will cost you more DME used in your starter.
For example: using the Brewers Friend App vs Mr Malty.
Both calculated with:
-8/16/2014 age yeast
-set to 1.080 OG
-pitch in 5.25gal
-Stir Plate
Mr Malty will limit at growth rate telling you you need 1.75L starter to make the required 287 billion cells. This is a limitation and a flaw. If it showed you how many cells were being created like Brewers Friend does you would see that 1.35L starter would be almost dead on. Thats 40grams of DME you could be saving if your doing the standard 10g/100ml.
For $1.99 its a good app, but if you want more precision and the ability be be more precise with your beer, go with the brewers friend yeast calculator. It also allows for step up calculations.
ChrisR19 about MrMalty YC